Leaders in solar thermal hot water technology for commercial and domestic projects

Solar thermal leaders since 2005
MEP (Mechanical, Electrical & Plumbing) -
The LaZer2 solar collector is one of the most efficient in the world. Installed in combination with existing boilers and thermostats, or with new heat pumps, they can make a well-designed solar-thermal system a realistic MEP asset.
Solar Hot Water -
The LaZer2 collector is c.4x more efficient at heating hot water than solar PV and in the northern European climate, for which the LaZer2 has been specifically designed, you can expect the system to deliver c.70% of a building’s hot water demand per year.
Commercial buildings and City rooftops
The LaZer2 system is an innovative solution for commercial buildings that demand hot water delivery temperatures exceeding 60°C. In urban centers where space is limited, this system not only optimizes energy efficiency but also provides significant savings, even during the winter months when used as a pre-heat. By integrating the LaZer2 system into your building's design, you can achieve sustainable hot water solutions that meet your needs while reducing your environmental footprint. Consider making the switch to LaZer2 for a smarter, greener approach to hot water delivery.
Sports & Leisure
LaZer2 solar thermal heating is the perfect solution for clients with larger pools, spa facilities, and showers, as it significantly reduces water heating costs. With higher efficiencies compared to solar PV, you can maximize the available roof space and enjoy a greater financial return on your investment. These pools demand substantial energy to maintain comfortable temperatures, but by utilizing solar thermal panels, you can cut daily heating expenses dramatically. Embrace the benefits of solar thermal heating and make a smart, sustainable choice for your facility.
Hospitality, Care and Education
Do you have locations where people gather in large number - Hotels, Care & Nursing Homes, Student Accommodation, Schools, Colleges, and Universities?
Where your large numbers of people gather, hot water usage is often significantly higher per occupant and yet still the water is discharged as waste. A solar thermal system in your similar location will provide impressive financial returns because of far higher utilisation.
Process Heat
From hospitals to laundries, and agriculture to food processing, the demand for hot water is critical for cleaning, sterilization, and operational processes. Solar thermal energy stands out as a renewable solution, providing immediate hot water for commercial and industrial applications. Whether used directly or as a preating system, it enhances efficiency and sustainability in your operations
Are you considering heat pumps for your project? They offer an efficient way to achieve low-grade heat. However, it's important to note that the typical domestic hot water temperature of 60°C exceeds the output temperature of most modern heat pump systems. By integrating a LaZer2 solar thermal system, which efficiently handles these temperatures, you can enhance the longevity of your heat pump while maximizing fuel savings, especially during the summer months when solar gain can significantly reduce heat pump usage.
How solar thermal works?
Let’s begin with some basic physics.
Heat energy gets from one place to another by one of three methods:
Conduction – where the energy moves through the material, for example a steel poker resting in a fire, conducts heat easily and the handle gets hot quickly.
Convection – where something is heated and then physically moves taking the heat energy to wherever it moves to. For example, air in a room next to a radiator gets hot and rises to circulate heat around the room; this is natural convection. An example of forced convection is where water enters a boiler, gets heated by a gas flame, and is then pumped to a radiator.
Radiation – this is the direct transfer of heat energy by photons of light. For example, you can feel the radiant heat from the sun on your face on a sunny day.
And remember, that heat energy moves from hot to cold; you cannot make something hot by sitting it next to something cold.
Solar thermal systems comprise panels, usually situated on the roof of a building but they can sometimes be placed in a ground-mounted array. These panels are generally referred to as “collectors” and are further defined as either “flat plate” or “evacuated tubes”.
To be useful, the solar collectors need to be hotter than the ambient temperature and therefore conduction and convection will both work against the process by taking heat from the collector to the outside world, which isn’t where we want it. The only way to get higher temperatures transferred to where we do want it e.g., our water system, is by radiation. All solar collectors require radiation to get higher temperatures than the ambient temperature.
Flat panel collectors are generally less efficient than vacuum tube collectors because they suffer from both conduction and convection because, no matter how good the insulation, there is always a loss of heat energy that the vacuum collectors do not have.
Conversely, the LaZer2 collector, which is an evacuated tube collector, suffers no such inefficiencies because in a vacuum tube there is no material in the vacuum to enable conduction or convection to happen. The inner part of the tube has no physical contact with the ambient temperature; it could be 10c below zero, but the inner part of the tube can only see radiation; it cannot feel the outside temperature and so, if there is simply daylight, the LaZer2 tube will get hot.
The rest of the solar system is designed to get the heat from the solar collector to where it is needed, and it does that by the medium of a circulation fluid linked to a pump to move the heat from the panel to the hot water cylinder as required.
We use an inhibited antifreeze solution to transfer the heat from the collector to wherever it is needed e.g. the hot water cylinder. The hot water cylinder used in solar thermal systems has a second coil that physically separates the domestic hot water from the inhibitor and transfers the heat.
Why LaZer2 solar thermal
Solar thermal is specifically for generating heat, mainly for hot water applications to which it is ideally suited. Over 55% of solar radiation arrives in the infrared part of the electromagnetic spectrum, which is detrimental to PV panels as they deliver much lower performance at higher temperatures.
Dedicated solar thermal panels are 3.5 to 4 times more efficient at generating hot water than solar PV.
LaZer2 is a Solar UK brand
Designed and built in Britain
Highly efficient evacuated tube technology
Verified efficiencies to EN12975
UK Government approved
MCS approved
More than 2,000m2 collectors installed to date
10-year product warranty
Our History
Introducing LaZer2 solar thermal collectors, a trusted solution since 2005, still delivering exceptional performance today.
Proudly manufactured in East Sussex, our panels provide carbon-free hot water to a diverse range of customers across the UK and Europe, including public buildings, hospitals, and commercial offices. Recognized as one of the most efficient solar thermal panels globally, LaZer2 proudly features on the UK government’s Energy Technology List. With a 10-year product warranty and a commitment to regular servicing, our systems ensure reliable solar-heated hot water for years to come.
Leaders in solar thermal technology

LaZer2 is a cleantech manufacturer, based in South East England, helping to meet the demand for on-site renewable energy and sustainable development by using solar thermal technology.
We provide a complete range of services from initial feasibility through system design, installation, service and maintenance.

Contact Info
Vantage Point
North Trade Road
East Sussex
TN33 9LJ
01424 772 903